
Aliases are simple words linked to a specific bootstrap at a specific version. For example, the alias 'lib' points to the package 'raphhh/php-lib-bootstrap' at last stable version. You can add any bootstrap you want, event yours.

The main command to manage the modules is alias. Just after this command you can specify some actions.

List the existing aliases

To list all the aliases, execute the action list.

$ samurai alias list

To list a specific alias, execute the same action but with the name of the alias:

$ samurai module list <alias_name>

Add or redefine an alias

You can easily add any bootstrap you want, even yours! To add or redefine an alias, execute the action save.

$ samurai alias save <alias_name> <bootstrap> [<version>] [<description>] [<source>]

Remove an alias

To remove an alias, execute the the action rm.

$ samurai alias rm <alias_name>