
A module is a plugin added to Samurai. This plugin will execute some specific actions. For example, the git module will init Git in your project.

You can easily develop your own module and add it to Samurai. See the module creation doc.

The main command to manage the modules is module. Just after this command you can specify some actions.

Execute the modules

During the scaffoling

By default, all the enable modules you have installed will be called during the new command.

$ samurai new

If you want to avoid to execute the modules during this command, you can specify the option --no-module.

$ samurai new --no-module


Separately of the new command, you can (re)execute all the enable modules with the action run of the command module.

$ samurai module run

You can also specify a module to execute only this one.

$ samurai module run <module_name>

List the installed modules

To list all the modules, execute the action list.

$ samurai module list

To list a specific module, execute the same action but with the name of the module.

$ samurai module list <module_name>

Add or redefine a module

You can install all the recommended packages with the install action.

$ samurai module install

Note that you can only install pre-selected modules.

Install a specific module

To install any module you want, you must specify its package.

$ samurai module install <module_name> <vendor/package> [<version>] [<description>] [<source>]

The module_name is just a shortcut you will use in the module actions. Choose any name you want.

For example, if you want to load the git module:

$ samurai module install git raphhh/samurai-module-git

Note that if the module was already present, it will be overridden after confirmation.

Enable/disable a module

If you disable a module, it will be not called during the new command, neither with the module run command.

$ samurai module disable <module_name>

If you want to enable a module, execute the action enable.

$ samurai module enable <module_name>

Update a module

Updating means that your module will be update to a more recent build version, according to its version constraints. Note that the update command will respect the version restriction as specified by Composer. See the Composer update documentation for more information.

To update all the modules, just execute the action update.

$ samurai module update

If you want to update a specific module to a more recent version, execute the action with the module name.

$ samurai module update <module_name>

Remove a module

If you want to remove a module, execute the action rm with the name of the module.

$ samurai module rm <module_name>